I wonder which application server people chose when working on Java projects that need to publish dynamic web pages. I have used tomcat in the past and found it to be pretty good. But for the last few years I have been in an environment where JBoss was chosen. JBoss comes with all sorts of enterprisey EE things such as a JMS implementation and whilst initially this may seem attractive I have decided that I don't like it. I would now recommend that any project that needs JMS and dynamic web pages avoids an enterprise application offer. Instead I think it is better to chose the web page and JMS solutions separately.
Years ago I wrote a book review for ACCU on a JBoss tutorial book. I gave the book a bad review because it was largely XML fragments concerning JBoss configuration. But I now see that this is what struggling in a JBoss environment is all about. I still think the book was wrong to have such large XML sections though. The precise XML needed to make JBoss do what you want seems to wibble depending on the exact version of Jboss you have and also possibly on what colour socks you are wearing. But it gets worse. Recently (wrt the time of writing this, December 2018) JBoss went proprietary. Red Hat now calls it JBoss Enterprise Application Platform or JBoss-EAP for short. Not to be confused with the old open source version which was just called JBoss. In an attempt to deal with the confusion Red Hat renamed the old one to Wildfly and open source development is now done under that name. Wildfly does seem to be much better than JBoss but it's all relative; it is still derived from JBoss and so still suffers from the tremendous environmental difficulties caused by obscure and constantly changing XML configuration.
So, for people who want JMS and web pages with dynamic content, I recommend ActiveMQ and Apache Tomcat respectively.
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