Friday, November 14, 2008

how to mount an ISO image on Windoze

Every now and then I need to mount an ISO image on Windoze. This saves having to burn a CD/DVD. Here's how to do it:

Go to /xp_small_free_way_to_use_and_mount_images_iso_files_without_burning_them

and click on the download link, winxpvirtualcdcontrolpanel. This is a ZIP that you need to 'run'. It is a self-extracting archive. It contains readme.txt, VCdControlTool.exe and VCdRom.sys.

Installation instructions
1. Copy VCdRom.sys to your %systemroot%\system32\drivers folder.
2. Execute VCdControlTool.exe
3. Click “Driver control”
4. If the “Install Driver” button is available, click it. Navigate to 
   the %systemroot%\system32\drivers folder, select VCdRom.sys, and click Open.
5. Click “Start”
6. Click OK
7. Click “Add Drive” to add a drive to the drive list. Ensure that the drive added is not a local drive. If it is, continue to click “Add Drive” until an unused drive letter is available.
8. Select an unused drive letter from the drive list and click “Mount”.
9. Navigate to the image file, select it, and click “OK”. UNC naming conventions should not be used, however mapped network drives should be OK.

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