Friday, June 23, 2023

How to display markdown files from the linux command line

It took quite while to track down how to do this. When you google for it you find GUI commands but not much for the command line. There are several tools but I have chosen one that works with what is available via the standard Red Hat repo for RHEL8. I use it even though my own machine is running mint 20.1. Going for something that is easy to install on RHEL8 means there is more of a chance that it will work in a corporate environment. The command is called mdo and it is written in python. It can be pip'd into your virtual python environment. It requires prior installation of another component called rich, which can also be pip'd in. This is the great attraction of utilities written in python. They can be pip'd into your virtual environment and thus do not require root access to make them available. These components are on github at and .